Here we see how the Dynamic Prompts work in PeopleSoft
Dynamic Prompting is used to change the prompt table at run time.
Let us take the sample requirement;
If User Select Gender = Male then P_Emp_Male_vw Should work as Prompt Table.
If User Select Gender = Female then P_Emp_Female_vw Should work as Prompt Table
Please refer the below screen.
CREATE View Procedure
1. P_Emp_Male_vw – Creating an employee view for Male candidates
2. P_EMP_FEMALE_VW - Creating an employee view for Female candidates
Please Mention the Prompt Table as %Edittable (u can enter any field which is available in the DERIVED Table. (Please refer the Derived Table)
3. Create a PeopleSoft Page
Please invisible the Derived.edittable Field in the page.
Based on the requirement you have to assign the value for the EDITTABLE.
PeopleCode view:
Hope this helps 😊
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Simple and good one.